Thursday, February 5, 2009


My goal is to post once per week. I have failed.
I was sick this week. Don't know why, but I got to watch some good solid TV. Here's my 2 day sick list of what I watched when I wasn't sleeping, working, or huling.
  • Ground Hog Day. - Never gets old
  • A Fist Full of Dollars - Its good even if I couldn't understand half of the dialog
  • For a Few Dollars More - I used the subtitles, it was great.
  • Charmed, the mermaid episode - Alyssa Milano in pasties. Enough said. (thanks Kat for letting me know this was on)
  • Rock of Love, the bus tour - Why did I waste my time with this trash?

A special thanks to Tiger who put together the characature for my blog. He is a better artist than he is a developer. (That was a joke).

1 comment:

Justin said...

"Fistful of Dollars" is the spaghetti western remake of Akira Kurosawa's "Yojimbo." Kurosawa was heavily influenced by American westerns and translated the concepts into the setting of feudal Japan, which he did so well that fans of his work remade his films back into westerns (Seven Samurai = Magnificent Seven). Check out Yojimbo.. Toshiro Mifune is a badass.