Thursday, June 25, 2009

Talking to God

Every night when Mrs Ozzy and I put 11 year old Ozzy Jr. to bed we have prayers. He came up with the format. One person does the "salutation" one person does the "body" and one person does the "closing." The responsibilities for these are rotated each night. Jr also came up with a somewhat unique "salutation" and "closing" that we use every night. We stress that this is a time to talk to God, so it should be respectful. Here's how it went last night.
Mrs. Ozzy: Dear Jesus and God
Ozzy Jr. : Please don't let Momma find out that there is a Victoria's Secret catalog and a flashlight under my pillow.
(then he squeezes my hand, which means he's finished with the "body")
Me: and be with Ash and Kels and Granpa and Aaron Small.
Everyone: Love, sincerely The Nelsons, Amen.


toomuchcountry said...

Awesome. Was the bedtime prayer preceded by the dinner prayer - "Father, Son, & Holy Ghost, whoever eats the quickest gets the most."?

toomuchcountry said...

Confession is good for the soul...and for a good ass whupping from Momma.

Lois and Jon said...

That's darling!

Lois and Jon said...

Does Icee get to sleep with Ozzy Jr? ;)

Jay G said...

Did you punish him for taking your Victoria's Secret catalog?